For an algorithmic literacy: an educommunicative reading of the documentary The social dilemma

Article written by Issaaf Karhawi and Daniela Osvald Ramos for the Interin Magazine of the Postgraduate Program in Communication and Languages ​​at the Tuiuti University of Paraná.



This work aims to map and discuss three reading of the documentary The social dilemma (2020): a) a reading from the algorithmic logics; b) from the concept of editing (BACCEGA, 2013), from the concept of Educommunication (SOARES, 2014) and, finally, c) from the discussions on autonomy (FREIRE, 2011, HOOKS, 2017). The theoretical approach focuses on studies on algorithms and concepts in the field of Educommunication, from which we approach our object as a potential instrument of pedagogical intervention from the field of communication. In this way, this article presents itself as a subsidy for a critical discussion in the reading of a world edited by algorithms, contributing to the development of an algorithmic literacy. We conclude that a proposal for a pedagogical discussion about the documentary allows us to reflect on the place that the individual occupies in the dynamics of the platforms.

Keywords: Social Dilemma; Algorithm; Algorithmic Literacy; Educommunication; Autonomy.


Read the full article here.